The article mainly focuses on the issue of identity in the modern liberalism and how this liberalism suppresses or gives it a blank check to develop itself on the grounds of immigration.
The word freedom which is derived from “liberalism”, as Fukuyama expresses, totally overlapped with the concept of freedom to preach or practice one’s religion and the first settlers were thoroughly fine with that because they were highly homogenous and there had not a dialogue been shaped yet.
The key point in this article is that the identities in the new world are achieved compared to that of the traditional world’s ascribed ones. By looking through this lens a lot of pieces of the jigsaw fall into place. This way, even the terror attacks motivated by radical Islamist theory can be interpreted, Fukuyama contends, as identity demonstration; in the sense that identity is step by step constructed by the society. Now, if anything gets in the way, in this case immigration in which individual changes his/her society or change in individual’ society like transition from traditional society to the modern one, identity crisis would be resulted. Fukuyama thinks that “the problem of jihadist terrorism will not be solved by bringing modernization and democracy to the Middle East,” because “in the Muslim world they are likely to increase … the terror problem in the short run.”
But it is not solely about Muslim immigrants or radical Islamists. American society hosts to a diverse range of radical and religious ethnicities that are, with the same token, unwilling or better say incapable of getting free from their backgrounds. The age of solid war is no more. Samuel Huntington in his book the clash of civilization conveys that the battle between guns is replacing the battle between cultures. So, if there is anything capable of disrupting American unity that would be diverse identities that resists against fusing into the larger mass.
Retrieved: Feb, 2007
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