War commander Gen. Stanley McChrystal has explicitly expressed his worries over risks of failure unless with a large troop infusion. Gen McCrystal has been expecting a high number- around 40000, but according to military officials an infusion of more or less 32,000 to 35,000 troops are speculated to begin in February or March, which is “the largest expansion since the beginning of the war and one that could bring the cost above $75 billion annually.” (Anne Gearan, AP)
Officials said that the expected increase would be as broad as at least three Army brigades and a single, larger Marine Corps contingent.
“WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama expects Americans to support sending tens of thousands more U.S. troops to Afghanistan once they understand the perils of losing, and he is preparing to make his case to the nation next week.” (Cited in: Yahoo News, Anne Gearan, AP, 11/25/2009)
President Obama denoted it as a national interest for America to "dismantle and destroy" al-Qaida terrorists and extremist allies. "I intend to finish the job," he added.
Obama’s decision on additional troops will be revieled after Thanksgiving. As military, congressional and other sources expressed the event would be a Tuesday night TV live speech disclosing his plans concerning the Afghan.
A number of the Republican critics have been cornering Obama to decide on a further order in Afghanistan, but the President asserted for multiple times that he wants to do it right rather than right away.
His Plan is expected, as a senior military official said, to cover “specific dates that deployments could be slowed or stopped if necessary”. (Anne Gearan, AP) As well as an explanation on the increasing number of US combat deaths during his tenure up to now.
During a White House press conference Obama said: "I feel very confident that when the American people hear a clear rationale for what we're doing there and how we intend to achieve our goals, that they will be supportive, I can tell you, as I've said before, that it is in our strategic interest, in our national security interest to make sure that al-Qaida and its extremist allies cannot operate effectively. We are going to dismantle and degrade their capabilities and ultimately dismantle and destroy their networks. And Afghanistan's stability is important to that process."
Moreover he contended his determined intentions toward ending what America has started.
This was something everyone could easily see it coming. Obviously there are reasons behind this disclosed decision, which do not seem out of place at the first glance.
There have been so many losses on both sides- United States and Afghanistan- which lead the officials to an inclination to end this war so that the gone would have been killed for a greater achieved goal not for a lost cause.
Given the history of American attitude toward the significant matter of security, it is highly predictable that the U.S. citizens will provide President Obama with a blank check, because it is now the situation has reached to a point which is ‘me against other’.
Plus, when we bring the grudge into attention, which is resulted by the 8-year of bloodshed and tension, both sides will continue their attacks every now and then, whenever the opportunity calls unless the war is over and one of the sides become the winner who terminates the other totally.
After all, the situation is a bit ironic. These courses of action are being constantly taken by a nation which is proud to represent itself with its humanitarian merits. Although to some extend the circumstances are tangible, it is impossible not to think about “what if there is another way?” in which opponents can gather and discuss over the shortcomings and try to come up with a “3rd way”, from which no one would get hurt ANYMORE.
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