This case, Nida Malik Hasan, is the exact example of an American from a different descent who is not assimilated into the mainstream “American Beliefs”. Nidal Hasan, though born, raised, trained, and educated in America evidently as he himself asserted, is first a Muslim then an American. This priority of identities can be easily interpreted as the fact that some values and beliefs, other than that of Americans’ are more important for this individual.
Let’s not forget the inside Nidal Hasan who had to, for 39 years, go through a devastating conflict; the indecisiveness due to not knowing to which group he had to belong so that he could, with a boast in the chest, express his identity.
The last straw that broke the camel’s back came from the US Army which in spite of his will was determined to deploy him over in Iraq. This meant he had to actually stand, for the first time, on the opposite side, start fire on his belonging group and to a good chance kill some of his so called brothers.
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